SAP-certified High Availability protection for your applications and data on AWS
SIOS provides expert comprehensive SAP-certified protection for your applications and data on AWS, including high availability, data replication, and disaster recovery in an easy, cost-efficient solution. SIOS offers easy and flexible configuration, fast replication, and comprehensive monitoring and protection of the entire SAP and SAP S/4HANA environment. SIOS software monitors the health of the entire SAP and SAP S/4HANA environment and provides application-aware high availability to ensure maximum uptime.
SIOS Quick Start deployments for AWS
SIOS clustering software monitors the health of the entire SAP or SAP S/4HANA environment on AWS and provides application-aware high availability to ensure maximum uptime with real-time data protection. SIOS software verifies that SAP is running, ensures that data is replicated and available, and enables reliability with minimal recovery time from faults and failures.
The SIOS DataKeeper and SIOS Protection Suite Quick Start deployments for AWS are comprehensive solutions that help simplify the transition to operating high availability in the cloud, ultimately freeing IT staff to support additional business-driving initiatives.
AWS Quick Starts are automated reference deployments for key workloads on AWS. Each QuickStart launches, configures, and runs the AWS service required to deploy a specific workload on AWS, using AWS best practices for security and availability. QuickStarts eliminate manual steps with a single click – they are fast, low-cost, and customizable. Several SIOS AMIs are available for purchase, enabling customers to add high availability to an existing deployment or to deploy a two-node SAP cluster in AWS.
FT Systems Fault Tolerant Solutions
Wij bieden volledige oplossingen met de bijbehorende ondersteuning aan ten behoeve van de bescherming en continuïteit van bedrijfskritische toepassingen en cruciale data.
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